Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Random Flickr Links

Photo by Ali Khurshid

Photography is a powerful medium. In the past few years, because of the availability of cheap digital cameras and the incredible popularity of Flickr, the medium has become more powerfully democratic. Now professionals and amateurs alike can share their work with the whole world -- with very little interference from governments or big media. When I explore photos on Flickr, the world seems a lot smaller. Here are just a few of the most compelling examples:
  • Tom Stone is a documentary photographer "known for his portraits of people living along the edges of society". His Poverty set on Flickr is an unflinching look at the homeless of San Francisco.

  • Ali Khurshid was recently profiled in Time magazine. His set, The Shadows They Draw, is a collection of dreamy images from one beach in Karachi, Pakistan. Words fail me on this one. You have to check out Khurshid's beautiful photos.

  • The 365 Days pool contains self-portraits of many Flickr members. Each contributor has committed to uploading a self-portrait once a day for a whole year. Honestly, I don't know why anyone would consider such a project. This is definitely a mixed bag, but there are some really interesting ideas here.

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